This Feature would be amazing and helpful. You also probably had on whatever it's called "Show Bodies Larger if they are too small" somethign or other. (Don't say that the football is smaller cause i compared it to earth and it's at least the size of a small city.) Because of the way the caclulations work I'm sure it's really smaller.
If anything larger than a small room is heading toward a planet, its gonna hit it, drag or no drag and the only thing smaller than a house in the simulator is dust which doesn't collide.

This is alright but working with the sizes we are (solar systems, galaxies, etc.) an atmosphere wouldn't really matter.

It would be nice if the planetary stats were also generated for (temperature ranges, albedo, land coverage, water coverage, glaciers, etc.not necessarily maps, but %ages). Visible atmospheres will be in v3.0, improvements will come in minor updates SuperNova,smvem,Vyvern,Nomad, Naru523, NeutronStar, Jdknasa98, Bla, Raxo2222, MassiveEffect, Darvince, Neon, InconspicuousBarrel, nkbdizzle, clarknova9, Cheeseman123, luciencd, Zaify,muzzdeni, InfoBloe, Flynn, OwneD.TBH, oisiaa, oceanoftime, Starfleet, jurluk, ashley_aum, Asc, europa, kennydalglish, WIkiddm, ChemicalBR0, dramamoose, Kalamonkey, Aephion, cat99899,killroy, Trexla, scottc, Garry, shadowhunter388,molunbun,Andy1008, SpongeBeard,DKett, nicholaseix, Triangulum, hgfggg,FiahOwl, Z_M_MtotheSky, DeWald, m435,Shuttle, anon, justinpatrick550, darkeye22, Person012345, Shturmovak, Pootisman, rciandes, Mark7807, sic, DarkUser89, fortunateson, Botuts, Dytzbug,mjduniverse,Hellpotatoe jman, ScuD, jack288960, 0CAPguy0, titanicpassenger1, Nefff, blackholes186000, Michael 'eRgo' Czyz